File System - Object Oriented Software Development Final Project
Collaborated with a partner to construct a memory-based file system using object-oriented programming principles, implementing common file commands such as reading, writing, copying, and deletion. Utilized various design principles such as abstract base classes, factory pattern, single responsibility principle, and proxy pattern to ensure flexible, extensible interfaces that support easy modification and client interaction. Language: C++
GitHubLinguaLink - 3rd Place, HackWashU 2023
A pen-pal like language exchange service where users are matched based off of the languages in which they are proficient and those that they are learning as well as their interests. Users can connect with each other and provide valuable peer-mentoring for their respective languages. Speaking is one of the best ways to learn a language and this application makes it easier to have meaningful conversations in a language you are learning! LinguaLink also incorporates OpenAI's API to provide a written conversation alternative to speaking. This project was developed in under 24 hours with myself and 3 others and is hosted on my teammate's GitHub linked below. Frontend: Angular, Backend: Express.js, API: OpenAI.
![LinguaLink Image](imgs/lingualink.jpg)
(Explore picture carousel below) Taking inspiration from LetterBoxd, I developed a movie-based social network in which users can search for movies, rate them and add them to personalized lists. Users can follow each other and view other users' lists. This application accesses's API to fetch movie information and a MySQL database (accessed with Express.js) to store data about users, user's movie lists, user following relationships etc. I chose to make this project to learn how to use the technologies required to make a full-stack application. Frontend: Angular, Backend: Express.js, API:
![Chatroom Web App Image](imgs/headshot.jpg)
About Me
My name is Dov Schwartz and I am a Computer Science and Economics joint major at Washington University in St. Louis. I am seeking entry-level software engineering internships in which I can learn from those around me and grow my skillset through hands-on development.